Wednesday, February 2, 2011


This bitter cold weather we're experiencing in Colorado right now has me loving my Sacred Space. Yes, that's what I call my home, Sacred Space. Our homes say so much about our lives. If our homes are messy and disorganized, cold and cluttered, do we really enjoy spending time in that environment? Can we see it as a metaphor for our lives? Are we constantly on the go, never spending time in our homes, never having time to give them some TLC?

I've bought almost every nick-nack, painting, curtain, you name it, at a thrift store! One woman's junk is another's treasure! And everything has a past life, a story. But the decor says so much about me, my spirit, my depth. People feel relaxed here. I'm relaxed here (all 800 square feet of it)!

Maybe I've inspired you to reaquaint yourself with your sacred space. What does it say about you? What would you like it to say about you? Warmth, love, passion, balance?