Sunday, January 22, 2012

Do Actions Speak Louder Than Words?

Well, do they? I have an amazing soul in my life that does so many things for me, is so thoughtful but doesn't (my interpretation) feel comfortable expressing feelings in words. I surmise it's based on past experience in a marriage where sharing verbally didn't happen and also he was wounded by an unfaithful partner.

Is it insecure to crave the ego-boosting words of another? Does it really matter? I ride the rollercoaster of, no, it doesn't/yes, because it feels good and involves trust, vulnerability, shedding the layers that protect us.

We also all communicate in our own way. Who is to say one form of communication is better than another, right versus wrong?

Here's where I trust in my own intuition, confidence, and trust in the Universe's divine plan for me, knowing I am enough!

Thursday, January 19, 2012


True freedom comes from acceptance...of self, other, the unknown, the uncertain. We're truly missing out on this beautiful moment by needing to plan, needing to know, needing to covet. There's a divine plan for us all. Trust, wait patiently, experience, love. That's when the magic happens.