Sunday, December 6, 2009

Will I choose faith or hopelessness?

Okay, I keep thinking I will wake up from this crazy dream, and all that has happened in my life in the last 8 months never really happened! So let's review:

My husband of 11 years decided he wanted a divorce; I moved to a beautiful mountain home owned by a bullying ex-lieutenant colonel; and just this Friday I smashed my car into a tree with my 6-year-old in the backseat. What the fuck? Has this been challenging or what?

So I can choose to have faith in the universal laws or I can throw up my hands and say, I give up! I'm hopeless, my life is hopeless, life sucks! I truly believe there are lessons here to be learned. We can't run from our challenges. Facing them head on, there's always a lesson, there's always growth, there's always wisdom, there's always an opportunity to share with others what we've learned. I have had to buck up and tackle these challenges on my own, thus becoming stronger, more compassionate, more present, wiser! I've set an amazing example for my daughter of all these traits. She's proud of her mommy, and that's reward enough for me.

"Out of the mud the lovely lotus blossoms; out of the trials something higher vies" ~Raymond Ng

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