Sunday, January 22, 2012

Do Actions Speak Louder Than Words?

Well, do they? I have an amazing soul in my life that does so many things for me, is so thoughtful but doesn't (my interpretation) feel comfortable expressing feelings in words. I surmise it's based on past experience in a marriage where sharing verbally didn't happen and also he was wounded by an unfaithful partner.

Is it insecure to crave the ego-boosting words of another? Does it really matter? I ride the rollercoaster of, no, it doesn't/yes, because it feels good and involves trust, vulnerability, shedding the layers that protect us.

We also all communicate in our own way. Who is to say one form of communication is better than another, right versus wrong?

Here's where I trust in my own intuition, confidence, and trust in the Universe's divine plan for me, knowing I am enough!

Thursday, January 19, 2012


True freedom comes from acceptance...of self, other, the unknown, the uncertain. We're truly missing out on this beautiful moment by needing to plan, needing to know, needing to covet. There's a divine plan for us all. Trust, wait patiently, experience, love. That's when the magic happens.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


This bitter cold weather we're experiencing in Colorado right now has me loving my Sacred Space. Yes, that's what I call my home, Sacred Space. Our homes say so much about our lives. If our homes are messy and disorganized, cold and cluttered, do we really enjoy spending time in that environment? Can we see it as a metaphor for our lives? Are we constantly on the go, never spending time in our homes, never having time to give them some TLC?

I've bought almost every nick-nack, painting, curtain, you name it, at a thrift store! One woman's junk is another's treasure! And everything has a past life, a story. But the decor says so much about me, my spirit, my depth. People feel relaxed here. I'm relaxed here (all 800 square feet of it)!

Maybe I've inspired you to reaquaint yourself with your sacred space. What does it say about you? What would you like it to say about you? Warmth, love, passion, balance?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I inhale and chant FAITH
I exhale and chant PEACE

When I have faith in the workings of the Universe and the unfoldment of my path, I can't be anything but peaceful.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Count Your Blessings!

I told my yoga clas on Friday, "We can all find SOMETHING to be grateful for." Every day I express gratitude for the (too many to count) blessings in my life. I've been having scary thoughts lately about my financial situation. We all can relate to that. I know with all my heart, mind, and soul that I will be okay. I always am, always have been, but the thoughts creep in and freak me out every now and again.

When you find yourself in these thoughts, don't dwell in this negative state, emitting this negative energy. Think of how rich your life truly is. Count your blessings, write them down. I'm certain you will be pleasantly surprised at how many awesome things you have to be grateful for! Then lift your heart toward the sky (open your heart! as we say in yoga) and say thank you!

Gratitude is a gift to everyone. Saint Paul said "Give thanks in ALL circumstances."

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


‎"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."~Martin Luther King, Jr.

Okay, so I'm a day late in honoring this amazing human being. He was certainly a sage...knowing and acknowledging that we're all created from the same divine source, the same fabric. We are all one.

I posted this on my FB page yesterday and felt compelled to talk about faith today. I still have my struggles with having faith. I guess it's because worry and control have been a part of my monkey mind for so many years. Has worrying ever changed the outcome of my life, my struggles, my challenges? NEVER! Did I find I worried needlessly and then had a good laugh at myself? YES!

When I stop, think, slow down, focus, I truly believe the universe is totally honorable. We ALWAYS get what we need...not necessarily what we think we want or what we recognize as what's best for us. We are totally supported and taken care of ALWAYS.

So let's take that first step together, blindly, nakedly, vulnerably, and trust that we will get to the top of the staircase in our unique way, in our own timeframe, with perfect results!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Yoga, Meditation, Chanting, Peace

A beautiful way to peace, stillness, and presence is through the practice of yoga, meditation and chanting. From all three of these practices comes a quieting of the mind. We race through life, running errands, doing (sometimes) meaningless chores, never stopping to rest and rejuvinate.

I have had several friends lately try one of my yoga classes or come to a yoga class with me, and now they are practicing regularly. They too have found a place to call home! A place where no other thoughts enter the mind. A place to be totally in your body and reconnecting with the true self, the perfect self. What a gift!

Meditation and chanting place the focus on the breath or a thought or phrase or mantra. Meditation and chanting ask us to let go of the constant chatter in the mind and sit quietly, peacefully and surrender. The energy and vibration that's created is stunning. It is truly palpable.

These are no easy tasks. They all take time and effort and dedication, but are so worth it. Make it a part of your day to start incorporating just one of the three into your life. You (and those around you) will start to notice a beautiful, peaceful glow surrounding you. I can't imagine anything more beautiful!