Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Count Your Blessings!

I told my yoga clas on Friday, "We can all find SOMETHING to be grateful for." Every day I express gratitude for the (too many to count) blessings in my life. I've been having scary thoughts lately about my financial situation. We all can relate to that. I know with all my heart, mind, and soul that I will be okay. I always am, always have been, but the thoughts creep in and freak me out every now and again.

When you find yourself in these thoughts, don't dwell in this negative state, emitting this negative energy. Think of how rich your life truly is. Count your blessings, write them down. I'm certain you will be pleasantly surprised at how many awesome things you have to be grateful for! Then lift your heart toward the sky (open your heart! as we say in yoga) and say thank you!

Gratitude is a gift to everyone. Saint Paul said "Give thanks in ALL circumstances."

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