Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Now that I have spent the last year and a half relearning how to love myself, I am truly astounded by how easy it is to love others and not judge. I am not talking about "romantic" love here. I am talking about unconditional love, respect, appreciation, gratitude for all beings, even the ones that are hard to love! Once I came to the realization that talking down to myself just wasn't working anymore (oh, and that it truly was all bullshit that I was saying to myself anyhow!!), it opened my eyes, my heart, and my mind to so much more.

I just spent 9 days with my parents and had a wholly different experience than ever before. The jugment, the criticism, the expectations just started to roll away. I finally can see them for the loving, giving, accepting parents that they are. We all are on the path, our paths all look different, but who are we to judge another's? We all are doing the best with what we have and what we know. I've said this numerous times, but everyone is our teacher. My parents teach me patience, acceptance, nonjudgment, and so much more. If not for them, I wouldn't even exist! Neither would Lily!

Check in with it time for a lesson in love?

"Spiritual love has no desire to get but only to give, no goal except to awaken itself within others, no need except to share itself. Being unconditional, it never fails or falters. Being endless, it embraces everyone."

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