Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ethics and Virtue

I am reading an amazing book called Essential Spirituality, which pulls from the World Religions spiritual thoughts and practices. There are gems on every single page! I am in the midst of reading about ethical living. Some of us were raised to live ethically out of fear and guilt, hellfire and damnation. Yikes! How motivating is that?

Basically ethical living just means being kind, compassionate and yourself and others. What a gift! "What we do, we become." One woman in the book said that "stress may be as much a question of a compromise of values as it is external pressures and fears!"

Acting ethically can be a source of healing...we actually become a source of healing to others as well. What we intend for others we create for ourselves! According to the great religions,(I've noticed these in myself quite profoundly), the many gifts of ethical living include a greater capacity for openness, honesty and intimacy, a heart that is more open, kind and loving, confidence, strength, closer, kinder relationships, joy, the list is extensive.

I close with this beautiful quote: "When we give someone our love,"(of course we're talking about loving all beings, even those who have hurt us) "that same love first flowers within our minds and then overflows into others, leaving its healing imprint on both."

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