Tuesday, January 18, 2011


‎"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."~Martin Luther King, Jr.

Okay, so I'm a day late in honoring this amazing human being. He was certainly a sage...knowing and acknowledging that we're all created from the same divine source, the same fabric. We are all one.

I posted this on my FB page yesterday and felt compelled to talk about faith today. I still have my struggles with having faith. I guess it's because worry and control have been a part of my monkey mind for so many years. Has worrying ever changed the outcome of my life, my struggles, my challenges? NEVER! Did I find I worried needlessly and then had a good laugh at myself? YES!

When I stop, think, slow down, focus, I truly believe the universe is totally honorable. We ALWAYS get what we need...not necessarily what we think we want or what we recognize as what's best for us. We are totally supported and taken care of ALWAYS.

So let's take that first step together, blindly, nakedly, vulnerably, and trust that we will get to the top of the staircase in our unique way, in our own timeframe, with perfect results!

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