Sunday, August 1, 2010

Paths Crossing

Do you ever wonder why some people come into our lives? I think about this a lot. It's very intriguing to me. I believe everyone is a teacher. I believe in past lives. Have we met these folks in another life, possibly in a different form? Will we keep meeting them in future lives until we finally learn the lesson they were meant to teach us? Isn't this great stuff to ponder? I think it's yummy, juicy, sweet. I, of course, am speaking of those folks we love, those we hate, those we connect with, and those that drive us crazy. They were brought into our lives for a purpose. Just think'll find numerous examples of what I'm speaking of.

More recently, I've tried not to judge. What do I know of another's path? I try to put myself in the other's shoes. I try not to give up on them too easily. I'm feeling more compassionate and unconditional. It's so darn easy to judge, to convict, to blame. What if we stop for just a second and reconsider judgment and dismissal? All the more love we get to receive in return!!!

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