Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Truly Loving Life

I wrote "Celebrating Life" on my FB page today, just another way to state how amazing life is if we only take the time to truly just be in it and be grateful. I live in one of the most beautiful cities/states around, I have been blessed with an awesome daughter, amazing, big-hearted friends and family, I am financially stable, super fit, mentally healthy and truly a loving soul. I wear my heart on my sleeve and love people and am always giving them the benefit of the doubt. What's a "second" chance? I give third, fourth, fifth chances!! Why the hell not?

I also quoted Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. I know of him through my love of Pema Chodron, his student. I highly recommend ANY book by CTR. I happen to be reading Shambala, the Sacred Path of the Warrior. The path of the warrior has nothing to do with violence or fighting. It's exactly the opposite. It's about bravery and fearlessness, especially when it comes to loving ourselves and knowing just who we are and loving ourselves anyhow (which then of course makes it a piece of cake to love and be kind and accpeting to others). It's about kindness, gentleness, warmth, and celebrating life!

Yes, I am a warrior goddess. I'm brave, kind, loving, unafraid!

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