Thursday, July 8, 2010

My Beautiful Lily

My daughter Lily is such a perfectly balanced little girl in so many ways. She loves hanging out with boys (yang), riding bikes, running hard and racing them. She loves getting dirty, digging for worms (she can't understand why her mom won't touch them), and playing with trucks.

Then there's the yin side of Lily. She loves baby dolls, is very nurturing, loves to wear jewelry and look pretty, and create masterpieces.

She's very sensitive, respectful, grateful, and quite spiritual. She got into a conversation with my mom, trying to convince her she should pray to the Buddha on my front porch!!

The flower name lily is a symbol of innocence and purity as well as beauty. Additionally, the lily symbolizes vulnerability and the freedom to be ourselves, as well as allowing others to be as they are too. What a perfect description of my treasured daughter.

She reminds me to be childlike. It’s not just about happiness and innocence either — being more childlike also helps us to be more creative, more imaginative, more innovative and open to worlds of possibilities. She lives in the present. There are no limits to her imagination. She's endlessly curious. She sees the world with new eyes. Every moment is a gift. What will we do with it? I'll hunt Lily down now (out playing with the neighbor twin boys) and thank her.

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