Monday, November 2, 2009


It's amazing the shift that occurs when you sit down and count your blessings! Even amidst pain and confusion, there is always some-thing, one thing we can be grateful for. I would be willing to bet we could all count our blessings on our fingers and our toes at any given moment in time! It's all about where we choose to focus our attention.

I sat and thought today that I'm grateful for my daughter Lily; for my nice, warm coat and scarf on a chilly day; for my health and (still amazing to me) fitness; for my eyesight with which to see the beautiful Colorado sky and mountains; for my AMAZING family and friends; for my belief in the goodness in all people; for money in my pocket for a cup of hazelnut coffee!

See how simple it is? Bet I made you smile!

"I murmured that I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet." ~Persian Proverb

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