Friday, November 6, 2009

We Cannot Control the Actions of Others

Come on, admit it...we all try to do it! And has it ever brought us peace or the results we were seeking? Has worrying and stressing about another's actions or possible actions ever served us well? Really ponder this one for a while. Do you know what control over the actions of others is called? POWER. Where does power reside? In the ego!

When we're controlling others, we’re not being loving or honest. And guess what? Controlling with "kindness" is still controlling! Living in this state just perpetuates more of these experiences! You know, we are all blessed with the grand journey called life. Don't we have enough of our own shit to work on in becoming loving, genuine, honest, open-hearted, nonjudgmental beings instead of wasting time trying to control others?

Live a blessed life!!! Om Shanti Shanti

"I cannot always control what goes on outside. But I can always control what goes on inside."~ Wayne Dyer

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