Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Strength From Within

So many people, especially women, ask me how I have been so strong or compliment me on being so strong in the face of the challenges of the last year and 3 months and ask me to please share my "secrets." Well, I don't have any "secrets." It's my divine purpose to share my experiences and knowledge to hopefully propel others from the depths of darkness into the light that's actually already within them but just a little cloud-covered!

Pssst, it's all in the thoughts. I can either tell myself negative things, keep repeating my story of misery and pain, over and over, or I can tell myself I'm amazing, I'm blessed, I'm beautiful inside and out, have so much to give, and keep opening my heart to all the goodness and love this world is sending me. Yes, negative thoughts (ego) find their way into my consciousness, but I don't have to believe them. I don't have to give them energy to build. I notice them and say, "Hmm, that's interesting, but I'm coming back to breath, coming back to what I KNOW is true."

Life is magical, amazing, powerful. It's that simple.

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