Sunday, July 4, 2010

What an honor...I am a yoga teacher!

I first seriously came to practice yoga to heal; heal my wounds from a marriage ending; heal my broken heart; silence my chita vritis, or monkey mind; discover my inner beauty. I've fallen in love with my yoga practice, the ancient history behind yoga, the way my body feels (balanced and strong), the yoga sutras, the chakras, the vulnerability, my sangha, or yoga community, and the list goes on. I've been a teacher in the form of a coach and private trainer for years. Therefore the hunger in me to share the gift of yoga and discovery with others was only natural. As I feel my love of self growing and blossoming, I can freely demonstrate love to my students, basking in their yoga glow.

In a previous post I mentioned being present at the unfolding of my future students' discovery of their true, divine self. I can't imagine a more pure, profound gift to give this world. It's my own small part in the beautification of this wounded universe of souls.

"Every blade of grass has its angel that bends over it and whispers, 'Grow! Grow!'"~The Talmud

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