Sunday, October 11, 2009


I woke up this morning, after restless night of tossing around with my thoughts, to my home at 8000 feet enshrouded in fog. Everything is pure white from the snow. It got me contemplating "fog." How many of us walk around in a fog? A daze? Not present? Call it what you will. It's not being aware, not being fully present, not noticing. I discovered this was the way I had been leading my life for quite some time. I consider myself fortunate to have noticed this and begun my awakening. I had built walls around myself (my heart); I shut down, keeping my thoughts, pain, fears to myself. I forgot to slow down and notice. I forgot to be thankful for the many blessings in my life.

Remember the one thing about the fog: it always lifts and reveals the beauty it was hiding.

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