Monday, October 12, 2009


Goodness, Lily and I flew out of the house this morning because I actually got some sleep between 4:56 and 6:45! I'm usually up writing, meditating, chanting well before 6:45. Yay, me! I got some much-needed sleep.

That's what got me thinking about receiving. I went to bed TELLING MYSELF I was going to sleep well. (need I say more?? Okay, I will, because I can't help myself) There's a book called Ask and It Is Given. It is one that I keep by my bedside. I can flip to any page in there and know what I need to do: Trust the process. It will always become clear what it is I am supposed to learn, what it is I am supposed to teach, how it is I am supposed to grow. Who am I to get in the way of the Universe's grander plan for me?

TRUST, TRUST, TRUST. I know, we've all had people in our lives that have broken that trust and we think we can never trust again. I say BOO to that. That's just the ego trying to hold you back and keep you stuck. Give that ego a smack in the head and say, shut up!

In the words of Carl Jung, "Your vision will become clear only when you look into your own heart."

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