Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I am not my body

I am also not my thoughts about my body, my life, my looks, my flaws, my beauty, my relationships, my...just fill in the blank. Right now, I am the noticer of my body, life, looks, flaws, beauty, relationships, and I look upon these things with compassion and loving kindness. These thoughts may play over and over in my head, but are they the real me? Are they what defines me? Am I just so darn attached to my story that I don't know who I am without it?

I said in a previous post, these thoughts may reside in our heads, but we don't have to believe them. We can close the old storybook, burn it, and begin anew. No more stories (i.e., baggage!). We are magnificent, we are divine, we are perfect!

Help me see beauty in and all around me!


  1. Juli, I love this. This is something I have struggled with on and off for years. Sometimes I do better than others. At the moment I feel like the pendulum is starting to swing away from the body consciousness, at least I'm starting to find amusement in my petty obsessions with certain aspects of my body. It's a start, for sure.
