Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Will I Resist or Will I Yield?

When a loss or profound change occurs in our lives, we are faced with two choices: to resist or to yield. We can become angry, bitter, resentful or we can become wise, compassionate, and open-hearted. To yield really just means to accept, embrace, therefore opening up to the beautiful life that's in store for us in the future and embrace the lessons before us. When we resist, we are closed, shut down to life and its many lessons.

There's a certain peace that comes with yielding, surrendering. The Universe blesses us without us asking. People come into our lives that never would have had we been closed-hearted.

I keep RECEIVING amazing people, messages, and love, even at this incredibly challenging time in my life. I believe it's due to my ability to finally stop resisting and just yield, knowing that all will be well.

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