Tuesday, November 24, 2009


In yoga class tonight, the instructor, Naomi, reminded us in this busy holiday time to think upon how we might simplify our lives. I'd like to just apply it to our everyday lives. Can we run one less errand? Make one less dish for Thanksgiving? Do one less workout? Buy one less "thing"? Is there a direct correlation between how much "stuff" we have in our lives and the amount of stress we carry with us?

Let's all take some time to think about (and write about!) what's really important in our lives. Can you move just a little slower? Do one less thing every day? Take time to meditate every day? Find that contentment from just being with ourselves instead of running to and fro?

"It is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all" ~Laura Ingalls Wilder


  1. I love your posts, and am always excited to see them in my Inbox. This is a good one (well, they all are!), ans well as the one about Complaining, True Happiness, Being Present, and What Others Think about Me is None of My Business. You're speaking to my soul, dear friend.

  2. Thank you so much! They are sent with love and compassion!
