Friday, January 22, 2010


One of my favorite yoga instructors wrote that on her FB page recently. It really got me thinking about the meaning of those two words used interchangeably in such a fashion.

I've written before that the only constant is change...the seasons change, our faces change as we look in the mirror, our moods change, our relationships change, our children change. You get the picture. As we honestly look at the changes occurring or that have occurred in our lives, haven't we grown in some way, shape or form? Even if the change is/was painful, didn't we learn something about ourselves, our habits, our weaknesses, our strengths?

And as we grew through these challenges and lessons, didn't we change? Aren't we different, even in some small way? Aren't we more loving, compassionate, patient, accepting, wiser?

"There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom"~ Anais Nin

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