Sunday, January 24, 2010


I had four of my dearest friends over to my new home for dinner last night, in appreciation for the amazing women that they are and all that they have done for me and Lily in the last 9 months. And I plan to do it more often. I have so many wonderful friends, I could have filled a house 4 times the size of my small, quaint apartment. I thank God every day for this blessing.

These four women light up the room when they enter. They give of themselves without asking for anything in return. They listen, truly listen, and offer advice when appropriate. They lead busy lives, raising children, earning a living, and still finding the time to be amazing friends to those they love. I've realized over the last several months how important it is to nurture friendships. I've learned so much from all the strong, yet soft, compassionate women in my life.

Did you know if you lay on your back and place one hand on your belly and one on your heart you're tapping into the third and fourth chakras, balancing strength (belly) and compassion (heart)? Yin/Yang, my friends. As women, we need to find that balance.

"A friend gives hope when life is low. A friend is a place when you have nowhere to go. A friend is honest. A friend is true. A friend is precious, and that, my friend, is you."

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