Sunday, January 31, 2010

Is Anger Healthy or Unhealthy?

I have been wrestling with this question lately. Yes, that's where I am right now in the process of my healing. Everyone keeps cautioning me that I'm too nice...let the anger run its course...don't supress the anger...

So, I did a little research. Here's some words I found meaningful:

As I mentioned in a previous post, anger has its roots in fear. When expressing it, many are covering up the deeper rooted emotion of fear. But we have to look inside, a scary thing, to figure out what we are afraid of.

Here's a positive spin. Anger can be an excellent way to eliminate stress, get hidden agendas out in the open, vent feelings of discouragement, pain, grief or just old-fashioned frustration. Holding back on these causes stress and too numerous to mention emotional and physical ailments. The flip-side to this issue is the damage caused in the heat of the moment, words we cannot take back, pain we've caused another. Be aware that sometimes these words are a direct reflection of our own unresolved stuff!

One other aspect of anger, or any emotion that we need to get into the open, is that when we are angry we are actually giving power over our own emotions to someone or something else. Yikes! Not very liberating!

So, I go back to the breath. We all can feel anger building. Notice it, don't judge it, breathe, acknowledge it.

Journal about it. Write a letter that you never intend to send. Call a friend. Get back to nature. Throw glass at the recycle center. But don't supress it and pretend it's not real. Start asking yourself some pretty deep questions. Tune in. You're beautiful just the way you are!

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