Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Smile! Laughter! Fun!

Here's a fact that EVERYONE should know: It takes 12 facial muscles to smile and 11 to frown. Despite the fact that smiling uses more muscles, it takes less effort than frowning; people tend to smile more frequently, so the relevant muscles are in better shape!

A smile and laughter just make your day sparkle, don't they? I'm trying to remind my students in cycle class to smile! Yes, I remind them, the hard work is uncomfortable, but aren't we here on this planet to have fun? Doesn't it feel good to sweat, get fit, see progress? Isn't that fun? You know, I quit racing triathlon last year because I just wasn't having fun anymore. I was too serious (ego), too regimented, too forced.

Smile at at least 3 people tomorrow, not including yourself! Really, don't take yourself so seriously...nobody else does!

“When you have a rainbow deep down in your heart, your smile will shine bright."~unknown

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