Thursday, May 27, 2010

Week 2/3

This past weekend we broke down the balancing series, Eagle (Garudasana), Dancer (Natarajasana), and Tree (Vrksasana), three things of beauty, strength, and grace. I see the correlations here to our lives, the balance, the strength combined with grace. That's what yoga does. It helps one start seeing. And I don't mean looking. I mean really seeing, genuinely experiencing, and being totally in the presence of magnificence. And then remembering to express profound gratitude.

Then came more fascinating anatomy last night and answering 1 of 4 journal questions. I decided to go with what change in myself do I want to make or am I currently making. Here's my answer: Acceptance, letting go of control, and trusting in the Universe's plan for me.

As you all know, I'm going through a divorce. Within the last 4-5 months, I have finally and honestly let go of the situation and have seen there is a plan for me. I am not in charge of the "how" it all plays out. Everything has truly grown from here, this starting point. I find myself able to do this in so many other aspects of my life; new relationships, existing relationships, the scary and unknown parts of my future. What a frickin' relief!! I'm letting go of the results and embracing the process. And when I let go, I make space for something better!

The Buddha said spiritual practice is like a boat we use to cross the river of suffering. When we get to the other side, we must be willing to get out of the boat. I got out of the boat. Peace and love to you.

Friday, May 21, 2010

The Wondrous Human Body

"The body is your temple. Keep it pure and clean for the soul to reside in." ~B.K.S. Iyengar

Continuing on the yoga journey, we could not be teachers of a practice involving movement with grace without a study of anatomy, the physical makeup of the body. "Learning the relationship of the systems of the body helps us understand the body more intimately and opens our minds to the magnificent interplay of our physical being." ~David Abookire (our fantastically intelligent anatomy lecturer!)

I'm told our goal as teachers becomes efficency of movement, almost effortless movement. When our bodies work too hard, we fight ourselves, and we're no longer doing yoga. Yoga is the road home to a better understanding...of our bodies, ourselves, our minds.

Our anatomy lessons are sparking a renewed wonder, amazement, and respect for these beautiful temples where we house our souls.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Four "E"s

My first week of yoga teacher training is behind me. Here's the four Es: Excitement, education, envelopment, EXHAUSTION! I have taken too numerous to count yoga classes, but memorizing Suryanamaskar A and B (just the first two series!), all the poses, the breath, and three cues for each pose, I find mentally exhausting! This is not a complaint! I love it. It's humbling. I'm kicking that sneaky ego in the pants, proclaiming, I'm perfect right where I am! I also willingly admit to LOVING practicing yoga three times on the weekend. The group of students is lovely, caring, gentle. I'm in good hands.

"Tell me and I'll forget. Show me and I'll remember. Involve me and I'll understand." ~Confucius

Thursday, May 13, 2010

On becoming a "student" again

I put student in quotes because we are all students, every minute of every day, as there are myriad lessons to be learned if we'd only open our minds to the humbling notion that we don't know everything!

At my first yoga teacher training class last night, we (all 26 of us!) were asked to follow a few simple "rules" for success. I think these "rules" are universal and, simply put, the keys to a happy, bountiful life. They basically have to do with not judging others, self, not competing, showing respect, committing, communicating. Looks pretty easy on paper, doesn't it?

We were asked to let go of our (attachment to!!)expectations, remember that a teacher exists in every experience, be humble, to take what works and leave the rest...and finally, what we decide to give is what we ultimately get back.

So if you decide to be brave, step out of your comfort box, and follow me on my journey, take what works for you and leave the rest. Don't judge me. Just send me unconditional love and support. I promise, it will come back to you. Peace!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The door is cracked...rays of light stream through

Tonight I start on an (expectantly) amazing journey into yoga, my yoga, which will become your yoga. As I get older and wiser, there's a yearning to serve. I could have taken no other path. I see that now, clearly.

I wrote this quote on my FB page this morning: "When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us."~ Helen Keller

The door to magic and mystery has been opened for me. I just need walk through it with an open heart and mind...starting this evening. I have no fear!

I am honored to share this journey with my friends, the ones that made this all possible. So check back here when and if you feel inspired to follow along on my magnificent journey.

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti (peace) Namaste