Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Four "E"s

My first week of yoga teacher training is behind me. Here's the four Es: Excitement, education, envelopment, EXHAUSTION! I have taken too numerous to count yoga classes, but memorizing Suryanamaskar A and B (just the first two series!), all the poses, the breath, and three cues for each pose, I find mentally exhausting! This is not a complaint! I love it. It's humbling. I'm kicking that sneaky ego in the pants, proclaiming, I'm perfect right where I am! I also willingly admit to LOVING practicing yoga three times on the weekend. The group of students is lovely, caring, gentle. I'm in good hands.

"Tell me and I'll forget. Show me and I'll remember. Involve me and I'll understand." ~Confucius

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