Thursday, May 27, 2010

Week 2/3

This past weekend we broke down the balancing series, Eagle (Garudasana), Dancer (Natarajasana), and Tree (Vrksasana), three things of beauty, strength, and grace. I see the correlations here to our lives, the balance, the strength combined with grace. That's what yoga does. It helps one start seeing. And I don't mean looking. I mean really seeing, genuinely experiencing, and being totally in the presence of magnificence. And then remembering to express profound gratitude.

Then came more fascinating anatomy last night and answering 1 of 4 journal questions. I decided to go with what change in myself do I want to make or am I currently making. Here's my answer: Acceptance, letting go of control, and trusting in the Universe's plan for me.

As you all know, I'm going through a divorce. Within the last 4-5 months, I have finally and honestly let go of the situation and have seen there is a plan for me. I am not in charge of the "how" it all plays out. Everything has truly grown from here, this starting point. I find myself able to do this in so many other aspects of my life; new relationships, existing relationships, the scary and unknown parts of my future. What a frickin' relief!! I'm letting go of the results and embracing the process. And when I let go, I make space for something better!

The Buddha said spiritual practice is like a boat we use to cross the river of suffering. When we get to the other side, we must be willing to get out of the boat. I got out of the boat. Peace and love to you.

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