Thursday, May 13, 2010

On becoming a "student" again

I put student in quotes because we are all students, every minute of every day, as there are myriad lessons to be learned if we'd only open our minds to the humbling notion that we don't know everything!

At my first yoga teacher training class last night, we (all 26 of us!) were asked to follow a few simple "rules" for success. I think these "rules" are universal and, simply put, the keys to a happy, bountiful life. They basically have to do with not judging others, self, not competing, showing respect, committing, communicating. Looks pretty easy on paper, doesn't it?

We were asked to let go of our (attachment to!!)expectations, remember that a teacher exists in every experience, be humble, to take what works and leave the rest...and finally, what we decide to give is what we ultimately get back.

So if you decide to be brave, step out of your comfort box, and follow me on my journey, take what works for you and leave the rest. Don't judge me. Just send me unconditional love and support. I promise, it will come back to you. Peace!

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