Monday, June 14, 2010

Sanskrit, the ancient language of yoga

Yesterday we had the pleasure of a Sanskrit workshop with Dr. Ktyayani Poole. She's been studying this beautiful vibrational language for 20 years. See, with Sanskrit, the healing power is in the vibration that is emitted when the words are spoken. What we think is solid is actually waves of vibration, sound. At the base of everything there are only vibrating strings, which produce energy and remove obstacles. Just like my favorite Hindu God, Lord Ganesh, the remover of obstacles. There is a line of energy in the body that matches the way we move into a posture! Therefore, saying the name of a pose in Sanskrit sends a current of energy through your body, matching the way we move into a pose. Amazing!

A little bit about chanting mantras (which I do DAILY). Mantra means to expand the mind. The mind is not separate from the body. Breath follows the mind/body follows the breath. The goal of this is to not be a slave to the judgmental mind, end the "turning of the mind," like a wheel, and to get a glimpse of your true, beautiful, divine self, without judgment or color. And yoga is an education in watching the mind.

Is it so miraculous how this all ties together? I'm so happy to be able to share this knowledge with my friends. This is just the tip of the iceberg for me. I plan to further my education as I continue down this path. Om shanti shanti peace namaste

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