Monday, June 14, 2010


Last Wednesday night we had 3 hours of partner yoga, which changed my life, opened my heart, deepened my faith and trust in the human spirit. All five senses were awakened. I saw with my heart rather than my eyes. I was able to observe another (therefore myself) with my whole being.

This was an incredibly intimate experience for me (and my partner, Daria, a lovely woman that's in teacher training with me). We stood a foot apart and stared into each other's eyes, no looking away, seeing the depth of the beautiful soul just a foot in front of us. Then we touched palms, closed our eyes, and experienced the gift of just touch, the energy that the other was emitting. Then we moved into poses, back to back, hip to hip, butt to butt, "flying," totally trusting the other would and could support us. Then a back to back meditation. I could feel her heartbeat, feel her breathing. My mind did not wander. It was empty...Samadhi! (meaning free from thoughts) I had truly surrendered. I was at peace.

The power of touch has the ability to change all of us. Touch is good! Touch is a natural act. We exude compassion with every touch.

"When we surrender what we are not, we come into balance with what we are."~a Core Power Teacher Trainee

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