As part of teacher training, we take a trip to a cadaver lab. What do those bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, organs, etc., involved in our asanas ACTUALLY look like? I've had weeks to ponder what my reaction might be upon seeing a cadaver, smelling the lab, touching the various parts. I truthfully felt open-minded and open-hearted. No expectations, just anticipation. I have always had a fascination with the human body. I've been a private trainer, a coach, and an accomplished athlete. I marvel at this incredible structure we call home. I've judged people that don't respect and take care of their bodies. I've asked so much of my body, and it has just kept giving, luckily with no injuries.
I drove three other ladies from class down to the lab; some were nervous, scared, some just like me, no expectations. We laughed and joked and shared on the ride as well, most likely to loosen up!
We were greeted by Todd Garcia, the owner of the lab. I felt the gentleness of this man's soul as soon as we made eye contact. He gives all the cadavers names. They're not just a number to him. He calls "dying" their "transition." He treated these bodies with the utmost respect and pleaded with us to do the same. Keikie, one of my classmates and friends, said, what would it be like to be a master at your trade, like this gentleman sincerely was.
He then proceeded to slowly, gently, pull one bone at a time out of the large metal box...everything wrapped in plastic and towels. We started with a knee cap! No whipping the sheet off the body to expose the entire cadaver, which most likely would have caused a few in the room to faint. We started with the lower extremities and moved upward. We wore rubber gloves and were allowed to touched and move every bone and joint. Amazing!
Then came the entire body, skin, muscles, organs, totally dissected. It takes 1000 hours to prepare one body. The work is meticulous, slow, honorable. Once again, we saw and touched every muscle and organ in the body. I won't go into detail, but the human body is mind blowing. All the intricate parts that have their place, yet they work together in such synchronicity.
All of us realized the ridiculousness of placing such emphasis on outer beauty. On the inside, friends, we all look the same, once the skin is peeled away. We are all truly beautiful, magnificent, perfect.
What a gift I was given to be able to visit a cadaver lab. I thanked Todd, our host, and Francis, Matthew, Michael, and Vincent for donating their bodies so that other may have this incredible opportunity to learn.
"If anything is sacred, the human body is sacred.”~Walt Whitman