Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Face to Face, Eye to Eye, Hand to Hand, Heart to Heart

This is the way I prefer to communicate. With all the latest technology, we've lost touch with each other. We text, email, make phone calls, but don't spend much time in the presence of others, communicating face to face. There is so much lost in the depth, passion, energy, and truth of communication in this fashion. Assumptions are made, misinterpretation runs rampant, truth is questioned.

Think back on some hurtful things you have said to someone you love or once loved (believe me, you always will love that person in some fashion!). If you had had open, honest, face to face, eye to eye, heart to heart communication from the start, do you think the hurtful, unkind words would still flow so freely? I doubt it! (stupidity has a should show more care and wisdom next time)

~ The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives ~ Anthony Robbins

Sat Nam

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