Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Yoga II

I am blessed to live in Boulder where there are some amazingly gifted yoga instructors. My favorite is Trista. She opens her mouth and beauty and grace and wisdom just flows, unimpeded, honestly, freely. She is one of the most beautiful souls I have ever encountered. I took her noon class today, a cloudy, dark day in Boulder. I'm on a quest to do yoga 5 plus days a week for the next month. Here's a few noteworthy words of wisdom, a la Trista!

Meditation calls for RADICAL self-acceptance. Lay out all the demons, the ugliness, the insecurities, lay it all out there, folks. That negative talk may be in your head, but guess what? YOU DON'T HAVE TO BELIEVE IT!

May all beings find freedom from the roots of pain and grow tall from the roots of joy...sat nam, Trista

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