Sunday, October 11, 2009

take a yoga class

If you really want to open your heart and mourne a loss, a death, whatever your pain might be, take a yoga class! I am consistently brought to tears in my practice while going through this painful period in my life. There are poses/asanas called "heart openers." Boy, they weren't kidding. The point is to expand your chest, thus opening your heart to the world. No longer can you be closed-hearted. It just doesn't serve you well!

I walked out of class (should have grabbed more than one tissue) and cried so hard, just when I thought I couldn't anymore. But, see, that's a GOOD thing, even a STELLAR thing! I am actually facing my pain, acknowledging my pain, living my pain. That is the only way to healing. Gary Zukav says that in the deep layers below anger are fear, pain, and lack of self-worth...that ugly stuff we just don't want to face. That's why anger keeps appearing and reappearing. You don't start by dealing with your anger; deal with what's hidden deep in the layers below it.

So grab a box of tissues, a notepad, and get real with yourself!

1 comment:

  1. Juli,

    You are so right! I started yoga for the first time after my mom died and it helped so much. Being thoughtful and present in the world can do so much healing. :) Amy
