Saturday, October 17, 2009

My Teacher: A Duck on the Boulder Creek!

I decided to meditate on Friday down at the Boulder Creek, considering the glorious day we were blessed with. (and today is even better!!) Thank you, God! The creek is loaded with ducks right now, and I sat and watched one duck in particular. He kept hanging out in the current, right at the top of a small waterfall. All the other ducks were hanging out to the side of the current, just, well, hanging out. This guy was floating backwards, then struggling against the current to get back to where he started. He did this over and over and over. When he got back to his original starting point each time, he would flap his wings almost in aggravation!

I laughed at his folly, but then said, JuliBell, how are you any different? Who are you to laugh at this behavior when you emulate it yourself at times? What behavior am I talking about? Trying to change what is; fighting the fight; struggling; wishing things were different instead of just going with the flow, loving what is, accepting that the Universe is honorable.

Thank you, Duck! I've decided to name you Buddha!

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