Monday, October 26, 2009


Yes, that's mourning, not morning! I truly am feeling the emotions that come with mourning now. Mourning the death of an 11-year relationship. I'm feeling it all: hurt, anger, sorrow, betrayal, confusion, and more. I plopped to the curb outside my car and sobbed uncontrollably. I called my amazing friend Sarah, who of course told me to come right over. She held me, she made me tea, she was my sister, my friend when I felt so all alone. She reminded me she's not worried about me! She knows the beautiful goddess strength, love, and wisdom I possess but sometimes forget because I'm too busy RESISTING. Did you know that when we resist our experience, resist the present moment, resist our life's unfolding that equals STRESS? We must somehow accept the present moment. That does not mean we cannot change our lives. It allows us to see CLEARLY what NEEDS to be changed. And it's a journey. But a journey to the experiences that we desire.

"When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you." - Lao Tzu

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