Friday, October 16, 2009

Walking Through the Fire

I had tea with one of my beautiful friends today, and she used the expression, "You have to walk through the fire," meaning feel the sadness, face the fear, experience the pain, mourne my loss, but not let it become my identity. Meaning, then MOVE ON! Duh! I mentioned this in a previous post, but it's so worth mentioning again (and again and again...). Obviously this takes time, and some days are easier than others. But I am positive that this too shall pass, and abundance and brillance await.

So many times incredible opportunities to learn, grow, and teach come our way, but we're so caught up in anger, grief, blame, or hate to realize the gift we've been given. Ask yourself, has this pattern served me well in the past? What glorious gifts have been placed at my feet, but I stepped right over them, never noticing?

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